Signs That You Kids Are Low In Vitamins

Most kids receive their vitamins from a healthy diet, but when you have a picky eater, too busy to cook or have a child with dietary restrictions, a multivitamin gives you the reassurance you need. But how do you know if your child is vitamin deficient? First, a vitamin deficiency isn't common, and symptoms will vary from child to child, but there are some signs that kids are low in vitamins. If concerned, ask your healthcare professional for advice.

Brittle Nails from Biotin or Iron Deficiency

One sign that your kid may have a vitamin deficiency is brittle nails. There are many reasons for poor nail health, including infections and lack of some vitamins like biotin and iron. Biotin is a B complex vitamin that some research shows helps build healthy hair and nails. While biotin is naturally present in many foods, if your child has an unhealthy diet, health problems can occur.

Iron deficiency anemia can also cause poor nail health. It causes nails to be thin and curved upwards. The best sources of iron are animal-based foods like red meat and seafood, but vegetarian sources include beans and legumes. A healthy balanced diet should prevent an iron deficiency, but sometimes a supplement is needed.

Bleeding Gums from a Vitamin D Deficiency

While bleeding gums might be primarily associated with poor teeth cleaning or flossing, bleeding gums can be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin produced by the sun. Otherwise known as the sunshine vitamin, it brings lots of rays to your children's health by working with calcium to build healthy bones.

Vitamin D deficiencies are mainly seen in children with chronic diseases (such as cystic fibrosis, intestinal malabsorption, and liver disease); however, pediatricians recommend vitamin D supplementation for girls to prevent osteoporosis later in life.

Obesity from an Unhealthy Diet

Unfortunately, obesity in children has been and still is on the rise around the world, particularly in the United States. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey show that childhood obesity rates for 2 to 19-year-olds is close to 19%. Being overweight is caused by different factors, such as genetics, exercise level, but the leading cause is a poor diet.

If your child is severely overweight, he may not be getting healthy amounts of essential vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B12, vitamin E, iron, and more. The best answer is to change to a diet high in fiber, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and protein, but speak to your doctor about vitamin supplementation.


Your child might have the opposite problem and be underweight. Sometimes this can be a sign of vitamin deficiency. This could also be connected to being a picky eater and helping your child like fruits and vegetables would be the best solution.

It is possible to be low in many nutrients. However, children, young women, vegetarians, and vegans seem to be at the highest risk for vitamin deficiencies. The signs do vary, but the common ones include brittle nails, bleeding gums, and obesity. The best solution is a healthy diet, but sometimes it's necessary to supplement to give your children vitamins and minerals they need.